Women Empowerment

Together We Can Provide Better Life to All African Children

Women Empowerment

In spite of the fact that women have been making a substantial contribution to socio-economic development of a society unfortunately, their contribution largely remains unnoticed. Most of the time, the overall socio-economic environment discriminates women to access an economic command. They are most vulnerable and abused in many ways. In urban setting due to abject poverty, family disintegration, unemployment and rural urban migration, women’s challenges are amplified. Many women are forced to go out to street and engage in commercial sex, exposing themselves to sexually transmitted disease including HIV, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion. Women face a delinquent livelihood challenges resulted from the existing social norms and tradition which undermines their ability and their role in the social economy.

On the other hand, one of the most difficult and devastating challenges that affects women in many rural parts of the country is lack of access to safe and clean drinking water. Women must spend hours traveling to get water. Due to lack of access to clean drinking water, children are also exposed to water born diseases where infant mortality rate is fortified. Thus, rural water problem has made women less productive holding their time and affecting their health.

For this cause, GSPFS has been initated to fill this gap, to contribute its part to reduce abject and dismal poverty among women. GSPFS has been promoting women socioeconomic empowerment providing skill and vocational trainings and seed money to engage them in income generation activities. It has also been assisting women in urban agriculture to produce vegetable and diversify their means of food and income sources.

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